
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

your baby is an obsolete resource sucking idea.

After watching Ron Howard's cinematic adaptation of Dan Brown's Inferno just before seeing Marvel Entertainment's Avengers: Infinity War, we noticed that goals of both antagonists was immediate elimination of half the population of the planet/universe to save it. We also have memories of The Alex Jones Channel's documentary Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement which mentioned an odd monument, The Georgia Guidestones, which states as its first guideline:

"1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

David Icke posits that Hollywood has a way of preparing humanity via entertainment, himself citing the use of advanced aliens in cinema for a reveal of the ancient cabal of reptilians who he believes secretly runs the world.

I'm not saying these two prominent conspiracy theorists along with these two popcorn films have any connections with each other, or an agenda to introduce the idea of population control, but it makes you reflect on this problem. The population needs controlling, or we should terraform Mars sooner than later, especially when we're going reverse engineer cancer cells to extend our lifespans, or achieve transhuman singularity to become immortal.

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While a mostly happy bookstore fixture for over two decades, Guillermo Maytorena IV is currently willing to entertain your serious proposals for employment as a literary/cinema critic, goth journalist, castellan, airship pilot/crewperson, investigative mythologist, or assisting in a craft brewery. Should you be connected to any of the above or equally interesting endeavours, do contact him.